Meeting Summary… Gary Woods, a technical column contributor for Casa Magazine, led a presentation and discussion about iCloud Plus.ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED October 20, 2014 @ 09:17Our general meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month, in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant, 5711 Calle Real, Goleta. Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.In keeping with tradition, the evening gathering begins with an informal Questions & Answers session that lends to lively &…… Continue reading 19-November-2014 Main Meeting
Nominations Now Open – Elected Officers 2015-2016 Term
UPDATE: Nominations closed Sunday, 12-14-2014 – 17:00. Members-in-good-standing will received notification come January 2015 via email with information about how to cast your votes online for the candidates.Nominations are now open for the four (4) Elected Officer positions on SBAUG’s Executive Board. The elected officer positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominees must be members-in-good-standing*…… Continue reading Nominations Now Open – Elected Officers 2015-2016 Term
15-October-2014 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…After the informal Q & A [Questions & Answers] session which covered how to update and clean out our contact list and many other tips and tricks, we got to learn a little more about iBank 5. SBAUG President Kathy Gleason said, “it was great to see everyone who turned out for the meeting”.ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT…… Continue reading 15-October-2014 Main Meeting
17-September-2014 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…After a rocky and late start due to some technical difficulties which were eventually resolved with suggestions from Ricky Rodriguez, troubleshooting by Kenzie Togami and Ed Adams providing an alternate projector, Jim Tinsley [Past President] presented an overview and real-time demonstration on the big screen of the long-rumored Members-only Zone [MoZ] which was made accessible to SBAUG Members earlier in the week. The…… Continue reading 17-September-2014 Main Meeting
16 July 2014 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…July’s meeting had a good turn out with many new and familiar faces. During the informative discussions about iOS iPhoto Web Journal, Blu-ray, Caches, Mac OS, Mac Magazines and GPS & Geocaching, Ian Lessing ‘googled’ the various topics and displayed on the large screen via AppleTV several related URLs – some of the URLs are shared here and organized by category below:iOS…… Continue reading 16 July 2014 Main Meeting