Meeting Summary…The gathering was…ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED 02-16-2015 – 19:40 PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]Our general meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month, in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant, 5711 Calle Real, Goleta. Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.In keeping with tradition, the evening gathering will begin with an informal Questions & Answers session that lends to lively & informative exchanges among attendees about their experiences…… Continue reading 18 February 2015 Main Meeting
21 January 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…After the informal Q & A [Questions & Answers] session, those in attendance shared information about favorite programs or apps which were visited and displayed on the big screen in the room. After the meeting Ian Lessing provided a ‘short-list’ of some of the productivity tools and resources discussed: ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED Tuesday, 01-13-2015 – 20:21 PRESERVED BELOW…… Continue reading 21 January 2015 Main Meeting
Polls Open – Election of Officers 2015-2016 Term
The ‘online’ voting polls for the Election of Officers for the 2015-2016 Term went active on 12-Jan-2015. Each Member-In-Good-Standing* should have received an email with the subject ‘2015 SBAUG Officers Election’ that included a link to LogIn to BallotBin [elections host site] to cast your votes. You have until 6:00 PM on 21-Jan-2015 to cast your votes online. Hand-written…… Continue reading Polls Open – Election of Officers 2015-2016 Term
The 100 Best App’s for 2014
Mr. Terry White has been active in the Apple industry for over 25 years and is the founder and president of MacGroup-Detroit, Michigan’s largest Macintosh users group. Here is his annual list of the Best App’s for 2014.To view the source announcement click HERE.
17 December 2014 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…After the informal Q & A [Questions & Answers] session…ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED December 08, 2014 @ 19:50 PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]Our general meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month, in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant, 5711 Calle Real, Goleta. Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.In keeping with tradition, the evening gathering begins with an informal Questions & Answers session that lends to lively &…… Continue reading 17 December 2014 Main Meeting