Meeting Summary…Approximately 23 persons attended this month’s evening gathering and shared lots of laughs intermingled with an exchange of great Apple-based information. Noteworthy topics covered during the Q & A period included dis ‘n dat. The featured presentation led by President Kathy Gleason and Vice-President Harold Adams confirmed a rumor that one SBAUG member “returned” their Apple Watch after only a day or…… Continue reading 17 June 2015 Main Meeting
Cramer Appointed Secretary On Executive Board
During their May meeting, it was with pleasure that members of this organization’s Executive Board unanimously approved the appointment of Betsy R. Cramer to serve as Secretary for the balance of the 2015-2016 term. Betsy stepped forward after learning of the recent plea from Past President Jim Tinsley asking SBAUG Members to consider volunteering alongside the rest of the Officers & Appointees serving on the Executive Board. Cramer’s…… Continue reading Cramer Appointed Secretary On Executive Board
20 May 2015 Main Meeting – CANCELED
The SBAUG General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 20th at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant in Goleta has been CANCELED. The restaurant is hosting a Tip-a-Cop event that evening for the Santa Barbara Region of Special Olympics Southern California [SOSC]. The restaurant’s management has extended an invitation to all SBAUG members to come between 4:30 and 10:30 PM and join in the…… Continue reading 20 May 2015 Main Meeting – CANCELED
15 April 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…This month’s gathering as highlighted by Ricky Rodriguez via email in which he shares some links relative to the topics discussed in tonight’s meeting: Wolfram|Alpha: Computational Knowledge Engine – Santa Barbara City College/Center for Life Long Learning – Apple Watch – Pebble Smart Watch – https://getpebble.comORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED Tuesday, 04-07-2015 – 12:00. PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]Join us in the…… Continue reading 15 April 2015 Main Meeting
18 March 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…This month’s gathering was… ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED Thursday, 03-12-2015 – 17:58 PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]Our general meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month, in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant, 5711 Calle Real, Goleta. Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.In keeping with tradition, the evening gathering will begin with an informal Question & Answer session that lends to lively & informative exchanges among attendees about their…… Continue reading 18 March 2015 Main Meeting