Meeting Summary…February’s meeting began with the introduction of guests and their questions: connection via WiFi; and smart phone interfaces. Our Q&A discussions included: 1) an option available for the iPhone home screen — a minimalist style; 2) the different ways to print from an iPad– via the newest printers and some not-newest models; 3) an…… Continue reading 19 February 2014 Main Meeting
15 January 2014 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…January’s meeting included electing the 2014-2015 Officers [results below] and the customary Question and Answer session covering: An Apple Mail account and mail clients; Gmail message management and deletions; Major difference between iOS device ‘backup(s)’ and ‘archive(s)’; and, an iTunes 11 – show sidebar tip. SBAUG Ambassador Kathy Gleason also took the opportunity to do a…… Continue reading 15 January 2014 Main Meeting
By-Laws Approved & Adopted As Revised
Votes on the revisions to the organization’s By-laws were cast, for the first time in the organization’s history, using an online voting system which was supplemented by a handful of traditional paper ballots. Voting officially closed at the end of the 18-December-2013 general meeting and the final tally shows the Yeas carrying the motion to…… Continue reading By-Laws Approved & Adopted As Revised
18 December 2013 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…December’s meeting included a list of super-handy-cool-stuff presented by several folks:How-To create and add your signature to sign a PDF with Preview.OS X Image Capture’s cool tasks & tricks.iPhoto: Two suggestions for making/moving copies — and removing photos from iPhoto’s database. Kanex: A neat (small) Foldable iDevice Stand.Bartender_Mac Menu Bar Item Control. Lets you organize your menu bar…… Continue reading 18 December 2013 Main Meeting
20 November 2013 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…November’s meet-up Q&As covered a veritable list of topics: Cox modem recommendations, router specs, Mac settings, .csv file type (comma separated values), iTunes Radio, and Time Machine set-up(s). Mike Bishop gave an update on the transition from his MacMechanic store to the (now) MacSuperstore.Ricky Rodriguez shared cool tips and features with the OS X Mavericks upgrade…… Continue reading 20 November 2013 Main Meeting