Meeting Summary. . .
All toll – a baker’s dozen gathered in Ed Adam’s Zoom presentation room and gobbled up his expertise, tips ‘n tricks relative to how to go about organizing & digitizing a collection of photos, negatives & slides before embarking on any small or large archival project. Software & hardware considerations were covered along with illuminating demonstrations!

Ed has generously made available (in PDF) his presentation slides.
As the event drew to a close – Ed hinted that he’d be open to doing a follow-up presentation delving deeper into the subject in the not-too-distant future… watch this space!
The Santa Barbara Apple User Group [SBAUG] is proudly co-hosting an online presentation with Ed Adams on Saturday, June 27th 2020 at 2:00pm (PDT) via the Zoom platform. The topic: “What To Do With Your Spare Time During[In] A Pandemic”. Ed will demonstrate various options for archiving your photos, negatives and slides.
To join the event, click/tap on this hyperlinked phrase: Join Event
The Meeting ID is: 340 536 1556 • The Password is: Sbmug [case-sensitive]
If you are unfamiliar with the Zoom video conferencing platform and how it works, click the following hyperlinked phrase to view an online tutorial about Joining A Zoom Event•Meeting,
DO try to login via Zoom close-to-before or at the start of the event 2:00 pm on June 27th to watch [listen] to what Ed has to share based on his vast expertise relative to printing, archiving and working with photos, negatives and slides on a Mac [and perhaps on other Apple-based devices].
SBAUG looks forward to ‘seeing’ folks logged-in to this ZOOM hosted-event and getting feedback about their experience. Should the hyperlinked phrase ‘Join Event’ above fail to work, click/tap/copy the URL below and be prepared to verify the Meeting ID and/or provide the password info from above:
FOOTNOTE: Hopefully one of the event co-hosts will set-up Zoom so that the event will be recorded. If so, it just might be made available in SBAUG’s MoZ… watch this space!
To subscribe to SBAUG’s Calendar of Events – click HERE.