Nominations are now open for the four (4) Elected Officer positions on SBAUG’s Executive Board. The elected officer positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominees must be members-in-good-standing* to run for an office. Nominations for Officers may be made by any member-in-good-standing* on or before the close of business [5 PM PST] December 14th, 2015. To view a list of current Elected Officers, click HERE.
To review expectations of volunteers serving in various roles on the organization’s management team, click HERE.
Use the ‘Leave A Reply’ field below (must be logged-in) to submit the name of your nominee, the office nominated for and include any detail as to why you believe s/he (you) is best qualified to serve in the office on the Executive Board, and indicate if you have discussed your nomination with them. For example:
Nominee Name: Jane Jones
Elected Office: Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
Qualifications: JJ has been a member of the organization for as long as I can remember. She is familiar with cooking and the washing of bottles. I have spoken with JJ about this nomination and she indicated her acceptance of the nomination and an interest in running.
An alternative to using the ‘Leave A Reply’ field below is to create an email to the Nominating Chair by CLICKING HERE and include the information specified in the example above in the body of your email.
The ‘Leave A Reply’ field below can also be used to post a general comment and/or ask a question about nominations and/or the election.
REMEMBER – Nominations for candidates must be submitted before the close of business [5 PM PST] December 14th, 2015. The Nominating Chairperson will review all submissions, verify the nominees are willing to run for the elected office and prepare a slate of candidates for the January 2016 election that will be put before the organization’s full membership. Candidates will be invited to prepare a brief statement of their qualifications and goals during their prospective term in office which will be shared with the general membership prior to the election.
* Member-In-Good-Standing refers to individuals who are current in the payment of their annual dues and not in violation of the organization’s By-Laws.
Nominee Name: Joe Jones
Elected Office: Bottle Washer
Qualifications: JJ has been a member of the organization for as long as I can remember. They are familiar with cooking and the washing of bottles. I have spoken with JJ about this nomination and they indicated acceptance of the nomination and an interest in serving/running for the designated office.