MoZ = Members-only Zone
PREFACE: If you do not have MoZ User Credentials† (login name & password) YET you are curious when your paid membership in SBAUG lapsed, click the first hyperlink below to review a Membership List generated in November 2016 by the organization’s FileMaker Pro (FMP) ‘master archived’ database. That contains membership information that dates as far back as 2008. Once the PDF file has opened, use the Search/Find function to locate your name(s) and determine when your membership lapsed. For What It Is Worth – MoZ User Credentials have been issued to individuals whose paid annual membership was current in September 2013 or after.
Otherwise: Use the hyperlink(s) below to display a PDF file(s) with a list of Members-In-Good-Standing (MIGS)† as of the date(time) indicated in the hyperlink name to ascertain if your membership is “current”. Lists are presented in reverse chronological order:
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_01Sept2019
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_14Jul2018 [Corrected]
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_14Jul2018 [InCorrect Info]
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_01May2018_1011
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_05Apr2018_1839
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_07Mar2018_1246
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_01Feb2018_1037
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_08Jan2018_1332
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_10Dec2017_1201
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_20Nov2017_1306
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_16Oct2017_0956
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_19Sep2017_1302
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_13Aug2017_0907
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_18July2017_0936
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_17May2017_1252
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_07May2017_1149
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_02May2017_0924
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_06Apr2017_1414
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_07Mar2017_0954
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_01Feb2017_1053
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_02Jan2017_1940
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_13Nov2016_1550
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_01Nov2016_0917-3
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_04Oct2016_0956
SBAUG_MoZ-MIGS List_05Sep2016_1145
SBAUG MoZ-MIGS List 03Dec2015_1208
† Any Members that have been issued MoZ User Credentials during or after September 2013 can verify, online, your membership status and view +2013 history: 1) log-in to this website, 2) locate and click on the “Howdy, YourName” in the upper right corner (see graphic below)…
which should open your Profile page (or drag down to Edit My Profile item) and then, 3) scroll down to the “Additional Member Info” section where your “Next Membership Renewal” date and “Membership History” is indicated. If/when you have a question or comment about the membership status details in your online profile, use the ‘Member Comments’ field on your Profile page to initiate an inquiry. Enter your question or comment and then be sure to click the “Update Profile” button after you’ve entered your comment.
Individuals whose membership is coming up for renewal, has lapsed, or prospective ‘new’ members may submit dues via PayPal – simply click on the Pay Now With Paypal graphic found HERE.