As per prior (2) posts, Nominations for individuals to serve as Elected Officers for the 2016-2017 term closed today at 17:00 hours. During the coming days/weeks the Nominating Chairperson (W.R. Anonymous) will be vetting all Nominees submitted. After which, MIGS (Members-In-Good-Standing) will be notified via email(s) about the mandatory 2016-2017 Election Ballot (which should include opportunity for write-ins) and assuming the WordPress-based/IT-Gods are cooperative, MIGS will be asked to…… Continue reading Nominations CLOSED – Elected Officers 2016-2017 Term
Category: SBAUG Group info
Nominations Still Open – Elected Officers 2016-2017 Term
In case anyone missed the prior post – it is time for each and every member-in-good-standing that appreciates the benefits of what SBAUG offers to consider stepping-up and assume the helm from the dedicated folks that have guided the organization for many-a-year and help lead our organization further into the 21st century! Nominations remain open (on or before the close of business [5 PM PST] December 14th, 2015) for…… Continue reading Nominations Still Open – Elected Officers 2016-2017 Term
T-DAY Well Wishes
The Executive Board would like to extend well wishes to our members, email-list subscribers and followers for a Healthy & Happy Thanksgiving holiday shared with family and friends. Kathy Goodman-Gleason, President SBAUG
18 November 2015 ⏏ Main Meeting
Meeting Summary. . . Contributor • Kathy Goodman-Gleason Our November meeting was well attended and kicked-off with a lively Q & A session covering a variety of end-user, Apple-related, topics. The highlight of the evening followed with a presentation (details below) by staff from Braille Institute’s Santa Barbara Center (en español clickea aquí) which was enthusiastically received based on expressions of gratitude from everyone in attendance (+20…… Continue reading 18 November 2015 ⏏ Main Meeting
Nominations Now Open – Elected Officers 2016-2017 Term
Nominations are now open for the four (4) Elected Officer positions on SBAUG’s Executive Board. The elected officer positions are: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominees must be members-in-good-standing* to run for an office. Nominations for Officers may be made by any member-in-good-standing* on or before the close of business [5 PM PST] December 14th, 2015.…… Continue reading Nominations Now Open – Elected Officers 2016-2017 Term