
By-Laws Santa Barbara Apple Users Group

Membership Approved & Adopted by Vote December 18, 2013.

Click HERE to view/download a PDF with the 18-Dec-2013 SBAUG By-laws.

1.0 The name of this organization is the Santa Barbara Apple Users Group (SBAUG).
2.0 This organization is established as a Users Group, under the By-Laws as set forth in this document, to:
2.0.1 Promote and further the effective utilization of products and software manufactured and marketed or otherwise made available by Apple, and by others for Apple products, by supporting the exchange of information concerning their uses.
2.0.2 Advance the art of computing-technology through education, exchange of information, and sharing of experiences.
2.0.3 Provide feedback to Apple hardware and software developers, members, and the general public on equipment, software, services, and other needs which may arise.
2.0.4 Network with other computing-technology Users Groups to further these purposes, and assist them in all matters of mutual concern relating to Apple products.
2.0.5 Establish special interest groups (SIGs) in order to provide communication and education for those with like interests.
3.0 Membership requirements
3.0.1 Membership shall be open to any individual subscribing to the purposes of this organization.
3.1 Rights of members
3.1.1 On all business presented to the membership for vote, each member shall be entitled to one vote.
3.1.2 Any member of the SBAUG has the right to place an item on the agenda of the Executive Board.
3.2 Meetings
3.2.1 The Executive Board shall determine the frequency of the General Membership Meetings of the SBAUG.
3.2.2 There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the Executive Board each quarter. Any member of the Executive Board has the power to call a meeting of the Executive Board whenever they deem necessary.
 3.2.3 Voting shall take place in person at meetings or by absentee voting. Absentee votes are votes cast by email and/or other means agreed upon by the Executive Board.  Any such system must be published to the membership at least 15 days prior to any vote in which it is to be in effect.
 3.2.4 A quorum of the General Membership shall be twenty-five percent (25%). A vote shall be carried by a plurality of votes cast, except where otherwise stipulated in these By-Laws. [See Sections 7.0.4, 8.0.1 & 9.0.1.]
4.0 General
4.0.1 Membership dues shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year and may be changed at any time by a recommendation of the Executive Board and approval of the membership. Dues cover the 12-month period starting with the member’s initial membership month. Membership dues are non-refundable.
4.0.2 Members shall remain in good standing provided payment of annual membership dues is received within the month immediately following the end of the prior 12-month membership period.  It is the responsibility of all members to renew their memberships on time.  A member’s renewal month shall be indicated to them via emailed notification one (1) month prior.
5.0 Officers and Executive Board
5.0.1 Elected Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
5.0.2 The Elected Officers may appoint a member in good standing to serve on the Executive Board in the following capacities: Ambassador, Publicity Director, Communications, Apple Ambassador, Webmaster, Members-at-Large and any other position(s) deemed of benefit to the users group.
5.0.3 The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers, Appointees and the immediate Past President. Elected and appointed members on the Executive Board shall have voting privileges on matters put to a vote.
5.0.4 Election of Officers shall be in January, with terms to commence immediately.
5.0.5 The Executive Board shall designate a Nominating Chairperson by October 1st, who shall solicit and submit a slate of candidates by December 15th. Said candidates must be members in good standing. Nominations for Officers may be made by any member in good standing in writing or via email to the Nominating Chair on or before the close of business [5 PM PST] December 14th. Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the votes cast.
5.0.6 The term of office for an elected Officer shall be one (1) year, renewable by election. The Elected Officers may appoint any member in good standing to a vacant Officer position arising from any reason for the remainder of the term.  The term of office for an Appointee to the Executive Board shall be until the first meeting following election of Officers.
5.0.7 All important users group [organizational] decisions shall be made by a vote of the Executive Board. Decisions made by the President and permitted by these By-Laws shall be approved by a majority of the Executive Board.
5.0.8 A quorum of the Executive Board shall be twenty-five percent (25%).  A vote shall be carried by a plurality of votes cast.
6.0 The Executive Board
6.0.1 The Executive Board shall be responsible for the general management of all SBAUG affairs. The Executive Board shall request and receive reports from the Secretary, Treasurer, Appointees and special committees.  The Executive Board shall authorize the disbursements of funds and perform such other duties as are required by the By-Laws.  The Executive Board may act on behalf of the membership in any matters not specifically provided for in these By-Laws.
6.1 The Officers
6.1.1 The President shall preside at all General Membership and Executive Board meetings. The President may assign the chair of the whole or part of a meeting to any other member. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, exercise a general supervision over SBAUG affairs and perform such duties ordinarily incumbent upon a President.
6.1.2 The Vice-President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President. The Vice-President shall assume all responsibilities of the President in the absence of the President.
6.1.3 The Secretary shall handle the records and correspondence of the organization, subject to the direction and general supervision of the Executive Board, and shall keep correct minutes of all business transacted at the Executive Board meetings.
6.1.4 The Treasurer shall collect dues and attend to all financial matters of the organization, as directed by the Executive Board, and maintain the membership database.
7.0 Membership termination
7.0.1 An individual may voluntarily terminate their membership by written notice or e-mail message to the Treasurer.
7.0.2 Any member who fails to pay annual membership dues within the month immediately following the end of the prior 12-month membership period shall be automatically terminated.
7.0.3 Statement of charges, recommending termination of an individual’s membership for cause, must be made in writing to the President. The President shall then meet with the Executive Board to investigate the charges.
7.0.4 An individual’s membership will be terminated with cause by a majority vote of the Executive Board OR a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote by the full membership.  In both cases a quorum, in accordance with Sections 5.0.8 & 3.2.4 respectively, must cast votes. 
8.0 General
8.0.1 These By-Laws may be amended or repealed, provided that notice in writing is emailed or mailed to each member at least fifteen (15) days prior to the vote. Such notice shall specify the changes to these By-Laws that are being contemplated. These By-Laws shall be amended or repealed only by a favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast provided a quorum [Section 3.2.4] voted.
9.0 General
9.0.1 The Santa Barbara Apple Users Group may be dissolved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the membership provided a quorum [Section 3.2.4] cast votes. In the event of dissolution, remaining funds from the Treasury are to be distributed to a similar organization or educational group at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Membership Approved & Adopted By Vote 18-December 2013

Click HERE to view/download a PDF with the Current 18-Dec-2013 By-laws.

Click HERE to review Notice of Intent To Revise By-Laws.