
Brian Bennett Carlin
Born April 8, 1959
Died August 22, 2008
2018 marks the 10th anniversary since Brian’s passing. Brian Carlin was a longtime member and staunch supporter of the mission and efforts of our organization during the period of time it was known as the Santa Barbara Macintosh Users Group.†
“Empowering” other people to use Apple-Macintosh computers/devices was something Brian truly enjoyed doing. Brian’s general philosophy was that no one should be deprived of more knowledge or understanding about using a Apple-Macintosh device(s) simply because they don’t have the fiscal resources to do so. The SBAUG [fka†† SBMUG] along with its Office Hours [Brian’s creation] was a near perfect pairing and means for Brian to reach-out and be there to assist others with similar interests.
Throughout his tenure, Brian willingly served as Vice-President, Member-At-Large & Program Chair on this org’s Executive Board as well as a Contributor and Editor of SB[M]AUG’s legendary newsletter publication (print & electronic), the “Mouse Times“.
“Brian was a true gem and linchpin of our group. He will be sorely missed with his smile, his generous giving, his incredible knowledge base, and his dedication [to the organization].” M. Bishop
“He [Brian] was one of the most generous persons I have ever known in helping others.” P. Oliver
” Ghost of Brian – I noticed that the fan on my computer was working overtime today in this hot and muggy weather. Brian Carlin to the rescue… I went and got a couple blocks of blue ice from my freezer and sat my laptop on it, as recommended by him years ago. Fan isn’t cranking quite as hard… I knew that would bring back fond memories for some of you.” B. Davis
Some images of Brian and Friends… Click Here
Brian Carlin Memorial Fund… Click Here
“Brian was indeed a great… member and friend – I miss him plenty. Here’s a blast from the past – Some of us were involved in a podcast for a few months just before he passed. Those episodes are still up in iTunes…” H. Adams
Brian participated in all five (5) podcasts recorded between April-July 2008. Here’s a hyperlink to the collection via iTunes… Click Here. They are also available for download via the organization’s website… Click Here
Take a moment today (& everyday) to share something fun/informative/nerdy from your experiences using Apple-branded device(s) with another User as Brian most assuredly would have done.
If you’d like to leave a comment, click the ‘Leave A Reply’ button below – current or former MIGS status (2014 or later) required. Otherwise, subscribe to the org’s Email Discussion list to post comments that will be observed by other Subscribers of the list-serve.
†Renamed in 2012 to Santa Barbara Apple Users Group [SBAUG].
†† fka = formally known as