15-October-2014 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… After the informal Q & A [Questions & Answers] session which covered how to update and clean out our contact list and many other tips and tricks, we got to learn a little more about iBank 5.  SBAUG President Kathy Gleason said, “it was great to see everyone who turned out for the meeting”.

17-September-2014 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… After a rocky and late start due to some technical difficulties which were eventually resolved with suggestions from Ricky Rodriguez, troubleshooting by Kenzie Togami and Ed Adams providing an alternate projector, Jim Tinsley [Past President] presented an overview and real-time demonstration on the big screen of the long-rumored Members-only Zone [MoZ] which was made accessible to SBAUG Members earlier in the week.… Continue reading 17-September-2014 Main Meeting

18 June 2014 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… June “Thank Yous” for a fun meeting mix go out to Kathy,  Jim, Harold, Tom S., and, Ricky & Denise for their short presentations, product sample show-and-tells, and the evening’s discussions: => from 1) Reviews of 3rd-party hardware add-ons for Apple devices that are useful while traveling (stylus styles, cost differences, and some vendor sites — plus,… Continue reading 18 June 2014 Main Meeting

Apple To Replace Faulty On-Off Switches On iPhone 5

Excerpt from a NY Times report..  “Apple has offered to replace faulty on-off buttons on the iPhone 5… models manufactured through March 2013… in which the button… stops functioning or works only intermittently.  Owners can type in their iPhone serial numbers on Apple’s website to see if their phones qualify for a fix.”  Click HERE to visit Apple’s dedicated… Continue reading Apple To Replace Faulty On-Off Switches On iPhone 5

19 March 2014 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary… Our March meeting featured a presentation by Ed Adams on how he post-processes his digital images using an assortment of applications [programs] including  Aperture, iPhoto, Lightroom, and plugins. Projecting on Petrini’s big screen from his MacBook Pro, Ed showed how helpful plugins can be when finalizing images in Photoshop, Lightroom, Aperture, or Photoshop… Continue reading 19 March 2014 Main Meeting