Meeting Summary. . . October’s meeting at SBCGS was attended by #Members and #Guests eager to learn from Ed Adams, SBAUG Member, about Photos for OS X and other photo editing/management solutions. Ed’s presentation was comprehensive and supplemented by a polished slide presentation which is available for review by Members-in-good-standing by clicking HERE. Winners of the double drawing for the Apple Gift Cards were…… Continue reading 21 October 2015 Main Meeting
Author: SBAUGWPAdmin
16 September 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary. . . The second monthly gathering held in the Community Room at the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society (SBCGS) building was, again, remarkable despite competing with the 2nd GOP Debate on national television, attendance at this month’s meeting was an all-time-?. Sincere apologies to folks (including presenters) that arrived after 6:00 PM and encountered the driveway security gate which refused to open…… Continue reading 16 September 2015 Main Meeting
19 August 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary. . . This evening’s event was the first held in the Community Room in the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society (SBCGS). Despite the need to navigate around and through road construction on the 101/Castillo Street Underpass to reach the new venue, it was attended by approximately 17 individuals. Julian Dean was the key-presenter for this evening’s event and he led a…… Continue reading 19 August 2015 Main Meeting
15 July 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary. . .Much to our surprise – the management at Petrini’s Goleta pre-empted SBAUG’s pre-scheduled meeting for 15-July-2015 in preference for another group. SBAUG-ers that showed up were relegated to the front room where a half-hearted Q &A session was held.ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED Friday, 06-29-2015 – 10:07PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]Join us in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant at 5711…… Continue reading 15 July 2015 Main Meeting
17 June 2015 Main Meeting
Meeting Summary…Approximately 23 persons attended this month’s evening gathering and shared lots of laughs intermingled with an exchange of great Apple-based information. Noteworthy topics covered during the Q & A period included dis ‘n dat. The featured presentation led by President Kathy Gleason and Vice-President Harold Adams confirmed a rumor that one SBAUG member “returned” their Apple Watch after only a day or…… Continue reading 17 June 2015 Main Meeting