Meeting Summary. . .

“It sure was good to be back at the Goleta Library for the October meeting!” Kathy (Goodman) Gleason
“Ed’s presentation was very cool, with lots of tips for iOS device users…” D J McLaren
The presentation by Ed Adams – a Founding Member of SBAUG – began with an overview of iOS 10 and then delved deeper into Lock Screen, Control Center, Notifications, Messages, Photos, Mail, and much more. His presentation slides can be viewed by clicking HERE or on the “slide” graphic below.

This month’s lucky winner of the Apple Gift Card drawing was, befittingly, Ed Adams!
SBAUG’s President, Kathy (Goodman) Gleason, offered the following ‘recap’ via a post to the organization’s Email Discussion List:
“It sure was good to be back at the Goleta Library for the October meeting of our SBAUG! We were especially happy to welcome back some of our club’s founders: Big shout out to Mike Bishop who was looking healthy and happy in his big, straw cowboy hat. Congratulations on your new retirement, Mike. Greetings also to Ron Fisk, back in Santa Barbara after traveling the world during the last few months. It was great to see Dottie McLaren who managed to pop in for a bit. (I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to say, “Hi,” Dottie.)”

“Ed Adams hit it right out of the park with his informative presentation, especially the useful tips and tricks for using iOS 10. Ed shared with us his personal stories on photography and how he manages storage on his computer. He gave us so many useful ideas on how we can better utilize and use our devices that I hope he’ll return for those who had to miss the meeting. I want to say thank you for those in attendance for showing your support, we cannot do this every month without you. Thank you, as well, to Jim Tinsley and another member (whose name I didn’t get) for staying after the meeting and helping me put back the chairs and locking up after the meeting.”
“We look forward to seeing more members at our next meeting on the first Thursday of next month, November 3rd. Stay tuned for the announcement of our presenter.”
Kathy Goodman-Gleason • SBAUG President
“As a footnote: For those of you who might not have had a chance to recently visit the Goleta Library, I urge you to visit the Multipurpose Room. The library has regular art exhibits and presently is featuring hand-craftwork artists. The room is beautifully decorated with many different kinds of hanging displays of fabrics, textiles and handy works made by local artists. The room is alive with color and imagination. Stop by (and support the library, too!).”
Please join us this month in the Multi-purpose Room at the Goleta Branch Library located at 500 North Fairview Avenue ~ Goleta, CA. Time: 6:00–7:30 p.m. Click HERE for directions.
Curious about the ins ‘n outs of Apple’s newest version of the operating system for compatible iPhones, iPads & iPods? Ed Adams, a Founding Member of SBAUG who has managed a number of computer stores in Santa Barbara, will lead a presentation on the changes he’s discovered in iOS 10 that he has found most interesting, particularly with the built-in Photos and Message apps.
The traditional Q&A ‘Everything Apple” period will open the evening and the ever popular $100 Apple-Gift-Card drawing will follow
the featured presentation. (Drawing tickets are available to SBAUG Members only and each member-in-good-standing (MIGS) in attendance receives two (2) complimentary tickets and can purchase more tickets for $3 each or five tickets for $10.)
Easy parking and good company are always provided.
To subscribe to SBAUG’s Calendar of Events – click HERE.