17 June 2015 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary…

Approximately 23 persons attended this month’s evening gathering and shared lots of laughs intermingled with an exchange of great Apple-based information.  Noteworthy topics covered during the Q & A period included dis ‘n dat. The featured presentation led by President Kathy Gleason and Vice-President Harold Adams confirmed a rumor that one SBAUG member “returned” their Apple Watch after only a day or two.  Other proud owners of one of Apple’s new-fangled showed off their spiffy new devices while sharing their likes and dislikes.    Harold Fue, SBAUG member-in-good-standing, was the winner of this month’s drawing for the $100 Gift Card redeemable at Apple’s Online or Retail Stores!  Patsy Phalen, another longterm member-in-good-standing, announced she will be moving out of the area and those in attendance wished her well. 

PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]

Join us in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5711 Calle Real, Goleta! 
Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.

In keeping with tradition, the evening gathering will begin with an informal Question & Answer session that lends to lively & informative exchanges among attendees about their experiences [good & not-so-good] using Apple Inc.’s products.  This month the Q & A session will be followed by President Kathy Gleason and Vice-President Harold Adams leading a discussion on their experiences with the Apple Watch.  

Afterwards, the ever popular Members-Only drawing for a $100 Gift Card redeemable at Apple’s Online or Retail Stores will be held.  April’s lucky winner was Patsy Phelan.   Each SBAUG Member who attends the general meeting receives 2 complimentary drawing tickets, and when you renew your membership or become a new member at the meeting you receive a 3rd ticket!  Members can purchase additional drawing tickets for $3 each or 5 tickets for $10.  

Easy parking, complimentary wireless internet access and good company are always provided. 

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