16 December 2015  Holiday Pizza Party

Meeting Summary. . .

SBAUGMtg_Dec2015Understandably attendance was sparse given the demands of the holiday season on one-n-all. Nevertheless, judging from after-the-fact photos and comments offered by those that attended this month’s meeting,

some ‘special’ pizza, how-to tech support, camaraderie and, judging by the photos, FUN was shared by all!


ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED:  Wednesday, 12-14-2015 – 19:49  PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]

Members-Subscribers-Friends of SBAUG, come join our “Holidays 2015” gathering that will include complimentary pizza in the Community Room at the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society (SBCGS) at 316 Castillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA.  Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.  Click HERE for directions.  

SBAUG will be providing tasty pizza and non-alcoholic beverages  – you may bring wine or beer if you prefer. The traditional Q&A period will meld with partaking in the eats/drinks and be followed by the ever popular $100 Apple-Gift-Card drawing. Please DO come and SHARE in the camaraderie, fun and possibly games too!