Meeting Summary. . .
Reaction to Cherie Alvarez’s (Hearing Loss Association of American (HLAA-SBC)) presentation via the Email Discussion List-Serve: “Interesting presentation tonight, highlighted by the wonderful generosity of Denise.”. B. Cramer
From Jim Tinsley (SBAUG VP) – “We had a really good meeting. The Q & A morphed into a discussion of the Apple TV.”
“Cherie gave an excellent talk about the types of hearing loss, how to have your hearing tested,what kinds of technology are available for those who have various levels of loss and communication with the hearing impaired. She also brought a plethora of handouts on the above topics as well as how to buy a hearing aid and where to find other resources.”
“This month’s drawing for the Apple Gift Card was won by Denise Rodriguez, who promptly gave her prize to our speaker, who was quite touched by the gesture (as were the rest of us).”
If you attended this event, use the Leave A Reply function below and share your take about what transpired. If you took photos during the evening and you’d like to share them please send an email by clicking HERE and attach your photos.
ORIGINAL ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLISHED: Monday, Jun 13, 2016 @ 18:23 PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]
Please join us this in the Community Room at the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society (SBCGS) at 316 Castillo Street, Santa Barbara, CA. Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m. Click HERE for directions.
Cherie Alvarez, President of the Santa Barbara Chapter – Hearing Loss Association of American (HLAA-SBC), will be the featured presenter at this month’s meeting. In addition to sharing her experiences living with a profound hearing loss and insights into ways to improve communication access, Ms.Alvarez will discuss her organization’s resources and their mission which is to “open the world of communication to people with hearing loss [from mild to profound] by providing information, education, support and advocacy”.
Ms.Alvarez will review a variety of topics surrounding hearing-health, hearing-loss as well as strategies/solutions that can enhance communication accessibility including getting your hearing tested, the evolution of hearing aids, cochlear implants, communication-related assistive technology/devices for computers, telephones, smart phones, assistive listening systems (ALS) & devices (ALD), visual/tactile alerting signal devices, computer-assisted (aided) realtime transcription (CART), closed captioning and, as times permits, answers to questions from the audience.
The traditional Q&A ‘Everything Apple” period will open the evening and the ever popular $100 Apple-Gift-Card drawing will follow the presentation.