15 July 2015 Main Meeting

Meeting Summary. . .

Much to our surprise – the management at Petrini’s Goleta pre-empted SBAUG’s pre-scheduled meeting for 15-July-2015 in preference for another group.  SBAUG-ers that showed up were relegated to the front room where a half-hearted Q &A session was held.

PRESERVED BELOW [sans graphics]

Join us in the meeting room at Petrini’s Italian Restaurant at 5711 Calle Real, Goleta!  Time: 6:00–8:00 p.m.

The evening gathering will begin with an informal Question & Answer exchange that lends to lively & informative discussions among attendees about their experiences (good & not-so-good) using Apple Inc.’s products.  This month the Q & A session will be followed by SBAUG Member Julian Dean leading a discussion on “Everything Email” covering the intricacies of email client (program) and email service setup, troubleshooting and much much more. *

Afterwards, the ever popular Members-Only drawing for a $100 GiftCard redeemable at Apple’s Online or Retail Stores will be held.  June’s lucky winner was Harold Fue.   Each SBAUG Member who attends the general meeting receives 2 complimentary drawing tickets, and when you renew your membership or become a new member at the meeting you receive a 3rd ticket!  Members can purchase additional drawing tickets for $3 each or 5 tickets for $10.  

Easy parking, complimentary wireless internet access and good company are always provided. 

* Expanded description about this month’s presentation:  “Introduction, Orientation and Demonstrations of Everything Email”

• Set up the Mail program/client with email service providers like Silcom/Impulse, iCloud, Gmail, Yahoo, Enom, etc.; • Overview about the differences between IMAP vs. POP; • How to set up those preferences in Mail AND in the ISP email site; • The challenge with Gmail not wanting to connect with “legacy” Apple OS X/iOS versions of Mail; • Other Google Account settings; • Security checkup; • Disable access for less secure apps ON or OFF; • How to deal with Gmail Archive and All Mail; • The difference between Trash and Deleted Messages in Gmail; • The benefits to be had with keeping our Silcom, Westnet, Netscape, Gmail, Vanity Domain web-browser-based email sites slim and trim; • Optional email clients like Thunderbird, MS Outlook/Entourage, Eudora, etc., etc..  Julian hopes that people in attendance will help field questions and offer additional insights into making everything email work seamlessly!

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